
stats_tools.printstats(variables, pvals, group1, group2, g1str='group1', g2str='group2', foot='', verbose=True, fname=None)[source]

Pretty-print previously computed statistical results


variables : list or NumPy 1darray

Python list/NumPy array of strings representing variables that have been tested

pvals : Numpy 1darray

Aray of p-values (floats) of the same size as variables

group1 : NumPy 2darray

An #samples-by-#variables array holding the data of the first group sample used in the previously performed statistical comparison

group2 : NumPy 2darray

An #samples-by-#variables array holding the data of the second group sample used in the previously performed statistical comparison

g1str : string

Name of the first group that will be used in the generated table

g2str : string

Name of the first group that will be used in the generated table

fname : string

Name of a csv-file (with or without extension ‘.csv’) used to save the table (WARNING: existing files will be overwritten!). Can also be a path + file-name (e.g., fname=’path/to/file.csv’). By default output is not saved.


Nothing : None

See also

a module for creating simple ASCII tables (currently available at the Python Package Index)
a function that pretty-prints/-saves data given in an array (part of


Uses the texttable module to print results