Source code for myvec

# - Plotting tools for vector fields
# Author: Stefan Fuertinger []
# Created: June 13 2012
# Last modified: <2017-09-21 12:41:45>

from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

[docs]def myquiv(u,v): """ Plots a 2D vector field using "sane" defaults for Matplotlib's `quiver`. Parameters ---------- u : NumPy 2darray `x` components of the vector field `w(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y))`. Note that `u` has to be a 2D array of the same dimension as `v`. v : NumPy 2darray `y` components of the vector field `w(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y))`. Note that `v` has to be a 2D array of the same dimension as `u`. Returns ------- Nothing : None See also -------- quiver : in the `Matplotlib Example Code Repository <>`_ """ # Check the input vector field checkfield(u,v,varnames = ["u","v"]) # Now do something N = u.shape[0] dN = min(N,16) plt.quiver(v[N-1:0:(-N/dN),0:N:(N/dN)],u[N-1:0:(-N/dN),0:N:(N/dN)],color="k") plt.axis("image") plt.axis("off") plt.draw() return
[docs]def makegrid(N,M=None,xmin=1,xmax=None,ymin=1,ymax=None): """ Create an `M`-by-`N` grid on the 2D-domain `[xmin,xmax]`-by-`[ymin,ymax]` Parameters ---------- N : int The number of grid-points in vertical (i.e. `y`-) direction M : int The number of grid-points in horizontal (i.e. `x`-) direction. By default `M = N` xmin : float The left boundary of the (rectangular) domain. By default `xmin = 1` xmax : float The right boundary of the (rectangular) domain. By default `xmax = N` ymin : float The lower boundary of the (rectangular) domain. By default `ymin = 1` ymax : float The upper boundary of the (rectangular) domain. By default `ymax = N` Returns ------- x : NumPy 2darray 2D grid array of `x`-values on the domain `[xmin,xmax]`-by-`[ymin,ymax]` y : NumPy 2darray 2D grid array of `y`-values on the domain `[xmin,xmax]`-by-`[ymin,ymax]` Examples -------- The call >>> x,y = makegrid(N) creates a square `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]` grid given by >>> x array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1.], [ 2., 2., 2., ..., 2.], ..., [ N, N, N, ..., N]]) and >>> y array([[ 1., 2., 3., ..., N], [ 1., 2., 3., ..., N], ..., [ 1., 2., 3., ..., N]]) See also -------- meshgrid : NumPy's `meshgrid <>`_ gengrid : found in the module `makeimg <makeimg.gengrid.html>`_ """ # Sanity checks scalarcheck(N,"N",kind=int,bounds=[1,np.inf]) scalarcheck(M,"M",kind=int,bounds=[1,np.inf]) scalarcheck(xmin,"xmin") scalarcheck(xmax,"xmax",bounds=[xmin,np.inf]) scalarcheck(ymin,"ymin") scalarcheck(ymax,"ymax",bounds=[ymin,np.inf]) # Compute stepsizes hx = (xmax - xmin)/(M-1) hy = (ymax - ymin)/(N-1) # Build 1D grid arrays x1 = xmin + hx*np.arange(0,M) y1 = ymin + hy*np.arange(0,N) # Build 2D grid arrays y,x = np.meshgrid(x1,y1) return x,y
[docs]def mygrid(u,v,x=None,y=None,rowstep=16,colstep=16,interpolation="lanczos"): """ Plot a 2D vector field as deformed grid on a 2D lattice Parameters ---------- u : NumPy 2darray `x` components of the vector field `w(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y))`. Note that `u` has to be a 2D array of the same dimension as `v`. v : NumPy 2darray `y` components of the vector field `w(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y))`. Note that `v` has to be a 2D array of the same dimension as `u`. x : NumPy 2darray 2D grid array of `x`-values on the domain of `w(x,y)`. By default it is assumed that `w` is defined on `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]` y : NumPy 2darray 2D grid array of `y`-values on the domain of `w(x,y)`. By default it is assumed that `w` is defined on `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]` rowstep : int Array row stride (step size) used to generate the grid. Default value is 16. colstep : int Array column stride (step size) used to generate the grid. Default value is 16. interpolation : str Interpolation to be used for plotting. Default value is "lanczos". Recommended other values are "bilinear" or "nearest". See Matplotlib's `imshow`-documentation for details. Returns ------- Nothing : None See also -------- imshow : in the `Matplotlib documentation <>`_ """ # Check the input vector field checkfield(u,v,varnames=["u","v"]) (M,N) = u.shape # Check the grid if (x is None and y != None) or (x != None and y == None): print "WARNING: Only x- or y-grid-data specified - switching to default domain `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]`..." x,y = makegrid(N,M=M) elif x == None: x,y = makegrid(N,M=M) else: checkfield(x,y,varnames=["x","y"]) checkgrid(u,x,y) # Sanity checks scalarcheck(rowstep,"rowstep",kind="int",bounds=[1,u.shape[0]]) scalarcheck(colstep,"colstep",kind="int",bounds=[1,u.shape[1]]) if not isinstance(interpolation,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError('Input `interpolation` has to be a string!') # Create lattice wires = np.ones(u.shape) wires[0:-1:rowstep,:] = 0 wires[:,0:-1:colstep] = 0 # Apply vector field zipyx = zip(y.flatten(1),x.flatten(1)) wiresr = griddata(zipyx,wires.flatten(1),(y+v,x+u),method="linear",fill_value=1) # Plot it plt.imshow(wiresr,cmap="gray",interpolation=interpolation) plt.axis("image") plt.axis("off") plt.draw() return
[docs]def mywire(u,v,x=None,y=None,rowstep=1,colstep=1): """ Plot a 2D vector field as 3D wire-frame using Matplotlib's `plot_wireframe` Parameters ---------- u : NumPy 2darray `x` components of the vector field `w(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y))`. Note that `u` has to be a 2D array of the same dimension as `v`. v : NumPy 2darray `y` components of the vector field `w(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y))`. Note that `v` has to be a 2D array of the same dimension as `u`. x : NumPy 2darray 2D grid array of `x`-values on the domain of `w(x,y)`. By default it is assumed that `w` is defined on `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]` y : NumPy 2darray 2D grid array of `y`-values on the domain of `w(x,y)`. By default it is assumed that `w` is defined on `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]` rowstep : int Array row stride (step size) used to generate the wire-frame plot (see `plot_wireframe`'s documentation for details). Default value is 1. colstep : int Array column stride (step size) used to generate the wire-frame plot (see `plot_wireframe`'s documentation for details). Default value is 1. Returns ------- Nothing : None See also -------- plot_wireframe : in the `Matplotlib documentation <>`_ """ # Check the input vector field checkfield(u,v,varnames=["u","v"]) (M,N) = u.shape # Check the grid if (x is None and y != None) or (x != None and y == None): print "WARNING: Only x- or y-grid-data specified - switching to default domain `[1,N]`-by-`[1,N]`..." x,y = makegrid(N,M=M) elif x == None: x,y = makegrid(N,M=M) else: checkfield(x,y,varnames=["x","y"]) checkgrid(u,x,y) # Sanity checks scalarcheck(rowstep,"rowstep",kind="int",bounds=[1,u.shape[0]]) scalarcheck(colstep,"colstep",kind="int",bounds=[1,u.shape[1]]) # Draw the deformed grid ax = plt.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_wireframe(x,y,u+v,color="black",rstride=rowstep,cstride=colstep) ax.set_axis_off() plt.draw() return
########################################################################################## def checkfield(u,v,varnames=["u","v"]): """ Perform sanity checks on the input vector field """ for nk, arr in enumerate([u,v]): varname = varnames[nk] try: sha = arr.shape except: raise TypeError('Input `'+varname+'` must be a NumPy array, not '+type(arr).__name__+'!') if len(sha) != 2: raise ValueError('Input `'+varname+'` must be a `M`-by-`N` NumPy array') if (min(sha)==1) or (sha[0]!=sha[1]): raise ValueError('Input `'+varname+'` must be a `M`-by-`N` NumPy array!') if not plt.is_numlike(arr) or not np.isreal(arr).all(): raise TypeError('Input `'+varname+'` must be a real-valued `M`-by-`N` NumPy array!') if np.isfinite(arr).min() == False: raise ValueError('Input `'+varname+'` must be a real valued NumPy array without Infs or NaNs!') if u.shape[0] != v.shape[0] or u.shape[1] != v.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Inputs `"+varnames[0]+"` and `"+varnames[1]+"` must have the same dimension!") return ########################################################################################## def checkgrid(u,x,y): """ Perform sanity checks on the grid """ if x.shape[0] != u.shape[0] or x.shape[1] != u.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Grid and vector field must have the same dimensions!") if u.shape[0] != y.shape[0] or u.shape[1] != y.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Grid and vector field must have the same dimensions!") return ########################################################################################## def scalarcheck(val,varname,kind=None,bounds=None): """ Local helper function performing sanity checks on scalars """ if not np.isscalar(val) or not plt.is_numlike(val) or not np.isreal(val).all(): raise TypeError("Input `"+varname+"` must be a real scalar!") if not np.isfinite(val): raise TypeError("Input `"+varname+"` must be finite!") if kind == 'int': if (round(val) != val): raise ValueError("Input `"+varname+"` must be an integer!") if bounds is not None: if val < bounds[0] or val > bounds[1]: raise ValueError("Input scalar `"+varname+"` must be between "+str(bounds[0])+" and "+str(bounds[1])+"!")