Source code for myat

# - Implementation of an Ambrosio-Tortorelli segmentation
# Author: Stefan Fuertinger []
# Created: August 22 2012
# Last modified: <2017-09-14 11:08:26>

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.sparse import spdiags, linalg

from difftools import fidop2d

[docs]def myat(f,ep,nu=1,de=1,la=1,tol=1e-4,itmax=100,iplot=False,Dx=None,Dy=None,Lh=None): """ Solve the Ambrosio--Tortorelli approximation of the Mumford--Shah functional Parameters ---------- f : NumPy 2darray Raw (noisy) input image to be segmented. Note that `f` has to be square! ep : float Positive edge-"thickness" parameter in the approximation functional. For `ep -> 0` the Ambrosio--Tortorelli approximation Gamma-converges to the Mumford--Shah functional (see Notes below). nu : float Positive parameter determining the influence of the Ambrosio--Tortorelli terms in the functional. de : float Positive parameter influencing the smoothness regularization term for `u` in the functional. la : float Positive parameter weighing the data fidelity term in the functional. tol : float Error tolerance for the stopping criterion satisfying `0 < tol << 1`. itmax : int Integer, the maximal number of iterations. iplot : bool Switch to turn interactive plotting on (`iplot=True`) or off (`iplot=False`) Dx : NumPy/SciPy matrix Disrecte derivative operator in direction `x` (foward differences are recommended). Note that if `f` is `N`-by-`N` then `Dx` has to be `N**2`-by-`N**2`! Dy : NumPy/SciPy matrix Discrete derivative operator in direction `y` (forward differences are recommended). Note that if `f` is `N`-by-`N` then `Dy` has to be `N**2`-by-`N**2`! Lh : NumPy/SciPy matrix Discrete Laplace operator (central differences are recommended). Note that if `f` is `N`-by-`N` then `Dy` has to be `N**2`-by-`N**2`! Returns ------- u : NumPy 2darray The smoothed version of `f`. v : NumPy 2darray The fuzzy edge map of `f`. Notes ----- The Ambrosio--Tortorelli functional [1]_ is given by .. math:: J_{\\varepsilon}[u,v] = \\int_{\\Omega}\\frac{\\nu\\varepsilon}{2}|\\nabla v|^2 + \\frac{\\nu}{2\\varepsilon}(1-v)^2 + \\frac{\\delta}{2} v^2|\\nabla u|^2 + \\frac{\\lambda}{2} (u-f)^2 dx The associated Euler--Lagrange equations are .. math:: \\begin{align} -\\delta \\mathrm{div}(v^2 \\nabla u) + \\lambda u &= \\lambda f \\\\ \\frac{\\partial u}{\\partial n} &= 0 \\end{align} and .. math:: \\begin{align} -\\nu\\varepsilon\\Delta v + \\frac{\\nu}{\\varepsilon}v + \\delta v|\\nabla u|^2 &= \\frac{\\nu}{\\varepsilon} \\\\ \\frac{\\partial u}{\\partial n} &= 0 \\end{align} The alternate optimization algorithm is initialized using .. math:: \\begin{align} u_0 &= f \\\\ v_0 &= 1/(1 + \\delta \\frac{\\varepsilon}{\\nu} |\\nabla f|^2) \\end{align} It can be shown that :math:`J_{\\epsilon}` Gamma-converges to the Mumford--Shah functional for :math:`\\varepsilon \\rightarrow 0` (see, e.g., [2]_). References ---------- .. [1] L. Ambrosio and V.M. Tortorelli. Approximation of functionals depending on jumps by elliptic functionals via Gamma-convergence. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 43:999-1036, 1990. .. [2] G. Aubert and P. Kornprobst: "Mathematical Problems in Image Processing: Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations", Springer 2006. """ # Sanity checks if type(f).__name__ != "ndarray": raise TypeError("f has to be a (square) NumPy 2darray!") else: if len(f.shape) > 2: raise ValueError("f has to be 2-dimensional!") N = f.shape[0] try: M = f.shape[1] except: raise ValueError("f has to be square!") if N!=M: raise ValueError("f has to be square!") if np.isnan(f).max() == True or np.isinf(f).max() == True or np.isreal(f).min() == False: raise ValueError("f must be real and must not contain NaNs or Infs!") try: ep/2.0 except: raise TypeError("ep has to be a positive float!") if ep < 0: raise ValueError("ep has to be > 0!") try: nu/2.0 except: raise TypeError("nu has to be a positive float!") if nu < 0: raise ValueError("nu has to be > 0!") try: de/2.0 except: raise TypeError("de has to be a positive float!") if de < 0: raise ValueError("de has to be > 0!") try: la/2.0 except: raise TypeError("la has to be a positive float!") if la < 0: raise ValueError("la has to be > 0!") try: tol/2.0 except: raise TypeError("tol has to be a positive integer!") if tol > 1: raise ValueError("tol has to be << 1!") try: itmax/2.0 except: raise TypeError("itmax has to be a positive integer!") if itmax < 1: raise ValueError("itmax has to be >= 1!") if np.round(itmax) != itmax: itmax = np.round(itmax) print "WARNING: itmax has to be an integer - using round(itmax) = ",itmax," now..." msg = "The switch `iplot` has to be Boolean!" try: bad = (iplot != True and iplot != False) except: raise TypeError(msg) if bad: raise TypeError(msg) if (Dx != None and Dy == None) or (Dx == None and Dy != None): print "WARNING: Dx or Dy not provided, switching to default Dx and Dy" Dx,Dy = fidop2d(N,'xy','f') elif Lh == None and (Dx != None): print "WARNING: Dx and Dy given but not Lh - using defaults for Dx and Dy. Lh will be computed as -(Dx.T*Dx + Dy.T*Dy)" Dx,Dy = fidop2d(N,'xy','f') elif Dx == None and Dy == None: Dx,Dy = fidop2d(N,'xy','f') else: if type(Dx).__name__.rfind("matrix") == -1: raise TypeError("Dx has to be a SciPy/Numpy matrix!") else: NN = Dx.shape[0] if NN != Dx.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dx has to be a square matrix!") if NN != N**2: raise ValueError("Dx has to be of dimension %s**2 = %s"%(repr(N),repr(N**2))) if type(Dy).__name__.rfind("matrix") == -1: raise TypeError("Dy has to be a SciPy/NumPy matrix!") else: NN = Dy.shape[0] if NN != Dy.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dy has to be a square matrix!") if NN != N**2: raise ValueError("Dy has to be of dimension %s**2 = %s"%(repr(N),repr(N**2))) if Lh != None: if type(Lh).__name__.rfind("matrix") == -1: raise TypeError("Lh has to be a SciPy/NumPy matrix!") else: NN = Lh.shape[0] if NN != Lh.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Lh has to be a square matrix!") if NN != N**2: raise ValueError("Lh has to be of dimension %s**2 = %s"%(repr(N),repr(N**2))) else: Lh = -(Dx.T*Dx + Dy.T*Dy) # Get squared image dimension NN = N**2 # Allocate memory for u and v u = np.zeros(f.shape) v = np.zeros(f.shape) # Initial guess for u u = f.copy() # Initial guess for v v = (1 + de*ep/nu*((Dx*f.flatten(1))**2 + (Dy*f.flatten(1))**2))**(-1) # Convert u,v and f to vectors u = u.flatten(1) v = v.flatten(1) f = f.flatten(1) # Set up plotting stuff if necessary if (iplot): fig = getfig(f,de,la,nu,ep) # Show initial guess(es) if (iplot): showit(fig,u,v) # Initialize iteration parameters it = 0; rerru = 0 rerrv = 0 rerr = 2*tol Jold = 0.0 nfo = 'inc','dec' ep1 = 1.0e-6 # Allocate memory for right-hand-sides, iterates and the constant matrix rhsv = nu/ep*np.ones((NN,)) rhsu = la*f Dla = spdiags(la*np.ones((NN,)),0,NN,NN) un = np.zeros(u.shape) vn = np.zeros(v.shape) JN = np.zeros((NN,)) # Allocate non-zero structure of varying matrices Av = Lh.copy() Au = Dx.T*Dx Dv = spdiags(np.ones((NN,)),0,NN,NN) # The fpi-loop while rerr > tol and it <= itmax: # Update iteration counter it += 1 # Compute new v Av = spdiags(de*((Dx*u)**2 + (Dy*u)**2) + nu/ep,0,NN,NN) - nu*ep*Lh vn = linalg.spsolve(Av.tocsr(),rhsv) # Compute new u Dv = spdiags(v**2,0,NN,NN) Au = de*Dx.T*Dv*Dx + de*Dy.T*Dv*Dy + Dla un = linalg.spsolve(Au.tocsr(),rhsu) # Compute value of cost JN = nu*ep/2*((Dx*v)**2 + (Dy*v)**2) + nu/(2*ep)*(1-v)**2 \ + de/2*v**2*((Dx*u)**2 + (Dy*u)**2) + la/2*(u-f)**2 J = np.sum(JN) # Compute relative errors rerru = norm(un - u)/(norm(un + ep1)) rerrv = norm(vn - v)/(norm(vn + ep1)) rerr = max(rerru,rerrv) # Show info in prompt print "it = %s, rerr = %s, J = %s, %s"%(repr(it),repr(rerr),repr(J),nfo[Jold>J]) # Update iterates and cost u = un.copy() v = vn.copy() Jold = J # Plot intermediate results every mplot steps if (iplot): showit(fig,u,v) # Show final results if (iplot): showit(fig,u,v) # Convert u and v back to images u = u.reshape(N,N,order="F") v = v.reshape(N,N,order="F") return u,v
########################################################################################## def getfig(f,de,la,nu,ep): """ Set up Figure for interactive plotting """ # Set up figure and assign window- and sup-title fig = plt.figure() fig.canvas.set_window_title("Ambrosio-Tortorelli") fig.suptitle(r'$\delta = %s,\quad \lambda = %s,\quad \nu = %s,\quad \varepsilon = %s$'\ %(repr(de),repr(la),repr(nu),repr(ep)), fontsize=14) # Get image dimension N = np.sqrt(f.shape[0]) # Plot original image f ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1) ax.set_title(r"$f$") plt.imshow(f.reshape(N,N,order="F"),interpolation='nearest',cmap='gray') plt.draw() return fig ########################################################################################## def showit(fig,u,v): """ Show iteration process """ # Get image dimension N = np.sqrt(u.shape[0]) # Plot u ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2) ax.set_title(r"$u$") plt.imshow(u.reshape(N,N,order="F"),interpolation='nearest',cmap='gray') plt.draw() # Plot v ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3) ax.set_title(r"$v$") plt.imshow(v.reshape(N,N,order="F"),interpolation='nearest',cmap='gray') plt.draw()