Source code for difftools

# - Several useful utilities for numerical differentiation
# Author: Stefan Fuertinger []
# Created: June 13 2012
# Last modified: <2017-09-21 12:08:48>

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import spdiags, eye, kron 

[docs]def fidop2d(N, drt='xy', fds='c'): """ Compute 2D finite difference operators Parameters ---------- N : int Positive integer holding the grid dimension (has to be square, i.e. `N`-by-`N`!) drt : str String determining the direction of the discrete derivatives. Can be either 'x', 'y' or 'xy'. fds : str String determining the employed finite difference scheme. Can be either 'c' for centered, 'f' for forward or 'b' for backward. Returns ------- D : SciPy sparse matrix/matrices Depending on the given input one or two sparse matrices corresponding to the wanted discrete derivative operators are returned. Examples -------- The command >>> Dx,Dy = fidop2d(N) returns the sparse `N**2`-by-`N**2` matrices `Dx` and `Dy` such that `Dh` defined by >>> import numpy as np >>> Dh = np.hstack([Dx,Dy]) is the discrete gradient operator in lexicographic ordering for a function `F` given on a grid of size `N`-by-`N`. The matrix `Dx` is a discrete approximation of the first-order derivative operator in `x`-direction, Analogously, `Dy` discretizes the first order derivative operator in `y`-direction. The spacing between points in each direction is assumed to be one (i.e. the step size `h = 1`). The command >>> D = fidop2d(N,drt) returns the sparse `N**2`-by-`N**2` matrix `D` corresponding to the discrete derivative operator in direction `drt` in lexicographic ordering. The string `drt` has to be either 'x' (default) , 'y' or 'xy'. Note: only 'xy' will return two matrices, namely `Dx`, `Dy`. The command >>> D = fidop2d(N,drt,fds) returns sparse the `N**2`-by-`N**2` matrix `D` corresponding to the discrete derivative operator in direction `drt` in lexicographic ordering using the finite difference scheme `fds`. The string `fds` can either be 'c' (centered differences, in cells, default), 'f' (forward differences, in interfaces) or 'b' (backward differences, in interfaces). To discretize first order differential operators on a 4-by-4 grid in both `x`- and `y`-directions using forward differences use >>> Dx,Dy = fidop2d(4,fds='f') To get only the discrete first order differential operator in `y`-direction on a grid of size `N` use >>> Dy = fidop2d(N,'y') Notes ----- For clarity here some comments on the rationale behind the code. *The Laplacian* If `Dxf` and `Dyf` are computed using forward differences, i.e. >>> Dxf,Dyf = fidop2d(N,'xy','f') then the discrete Laplacian `Lh` based on centered differences is obtained by >>> Lh = -(Dxf.T*Dxf + Dyf.T*Dyf) or analogously for backward differences, >>> Dxb,Dyb = fidop2d(N,'xy','b') then >>> Lh = Dxb.T*Dxb + Dyb.T*Dyb *The Divergence* Note adjoints: for :math:`p` in :math:`H_0(\\mathrm{div}):=\\{p \\in L^2(\\Omega)` | div :math:`(p) \\in L^2(\\Omega), pn = 0` on the boundary of :math:`\\Omega\\}` we have .. math:: \\begin{align} \\int_{\\Omega} \\nabla u\\cdot p dx &= \\int_{\\Omega} u p \\cdot n dS - \\int_{\\Omega} u \\textrm{ div }(p) dx\\\\ & = 0 -\\int_{\\Omega} u \\textrm{ div }(p) dx \\end{align} or in short :math:`\\textrm{div}^\\ast = -\\nabla`. Hence for a spatial discretization take `Div_h ~ -Dh.T` as approximation for the divergence. """ # Sanity checks for `N` if not np.isscalar(N) or not plt.is_numlike(N) or not np.isreal(N).all(): raise TypeError("Input `N` must be a real scalar!") if not np.isfinite(N): raise TypeError("Input `N` must be finite!") if round(N) != N: raise TypeError("`N` has to be a positive integer!") if N <= 1: raise ValueError("`N` has to be greater than 1!") # Sanity checks for `drt` if not isinstance(drt,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("Input `drt` has to be a string!") if drt != 'x' and drt != 'y' and drt != 'xy': raise ValueError("Input `drt` has to be either 'x', 'y' or 'xy'") elif drt == 'x' or drt == 'y': myout = 1 else: myout = 2 # Sanity checks for `fds` if not isinstance(fds,(str,unicode)): raise TypeError("Input `fds` has to be a string!") if fds != 'c' and fds != 'b' and fds != 'f': raise ValueError("Input `fds` has to be either 'c' (centered), 'b' (backward) or 'f' (forward)") # Initialize vector of ones needed to build matrices e = np.ones((1,N)); # Building blocks for the operators if fds=='c': # Centered differences A = spdiags(np.r_[-e,e],np.array([-1,1]),N,N,format='lil'); A[0,0] = -2.0; A[0,1] = 2.0; A[N-1,N-2] = -2.0; A[N-1,N-1] = 2.0; A = 0.5*A; A = A.tocsr() elif fds=='f': # Forward differences A = spdiags(np.r_[-e,e],np.array([0,1]),N,N,format='lil'); A[N-1,:] = 0.0; A = A.tocsr() else: # Backward differences A = spdiags(np.r_[-e,e],np.array([-1,0]),N,N,format='lil'); A[0,:] = 0.0; A = A.tocsr() # Second building block needed: the identity IN = eye(N,N,format='csr'); # Compute output matrix/matrices if myout==1: # Only one output: determine direction if drt=='x': # x-direction return kron(IN,A,format='csr') else: # y-direction return kron(A,IN,format='csr') else: # Two outputs: order of directions is always d/dx,d/dy] return kron(IN,A,format='csr'), kron(A,IN,format='csr')
[docs]def myff2n(n): """ Give factor settings for a two-level full factorial design Parameters ---------- n : int Number of factors Returns ------- dff2 : NumPy 2darray An `m`-by-`n` array of factor settings Examples -------- >>> dFF2 = ff2n(3) >>> dFF2 array([[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1.]]) """ # Check correctness of input if not np.isscalar(n) or not plt.is_numlike(n) or not np.isreal(n).all(): raise TypeError("Input `n` must be a real scalar!") if not np.isfinite(n): raise TypeError("Input `n` must be finite!") if round(n) != n: raise TypeError("`n` has to be a positive integer!") if n <= 0: raise ValueError("`n` has to be greater than 0!") # Output array dff2 has 2^n rows rows = 2**n ncycles = rows dff2 = np.zeros((rows,n)) # This is adapted from the MATLAB source file ff2n.m for k in xrange(0,n): settings = np.arange(0,2) settings.shape = (1,2) ncycles = ncycles/2.0 nreps = rows/(2*ncycles) settings = settings[np.zeros((1,nreps)).astype(int),:] settings = settings.flatten(1) settings.shape = (settings.size,1) settings = settings[:,np.zeros((1,ncycles)).astype(int)] dff2[:,n-k-1] = settings.flatten(1) return dff2