Source code for chambolle

# - Solve nonlinear TV-denoising using Chambolle's projection algorithm
# Author: Stefan Fuertinger []
# Created: August 22 2012
# Last modified: <2017-09-14 11:02:15>

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from difftools import fidop2d

[docs]def chambolle(ut, Dx=None, Dy=None, mu=1.0e-5, dt=0.25, itmax=10000, tol=1.0e-3): """ Solve the nonlinear TV-denoising problem using Chambolle's projection algorithm Parameters ---------- ut : NumPy 2darray Raw grey-scale image to denoise. Note that `ut` has to be square! Dx : NumPy/SciPy matrix Discrete derivative operator in direction `x` (forward differences are recommended). Note that if `ut` is `N`-by-`N` then `Dx` has to be `N**2`-by-`N**2`! Dy : NumPy/SciPy matrix Discrete derivative operator in direction `y` (forward differences are recommended). Note that if `ut` is `N`-by-`N` then `Dy` has to be `N**2`-by-`N**2`! mu : non-negative float Regularization parameter in the TV functional. Note that `mu >= 0` has to hold! dt : positive float Pseudo time step. Note that `dt` has to satisfy `0 < dt < 1`. itmax : positive integer Maximal number of Chambolle iterations. Note that `itmax` has to be > 0! tol : positive float Error tolerance in Chambolle iterations. Note that `tol` has to satisfy `0 < tol << 1`! Returns ------- u : NumPy 2darray Denoised Chambolle-image. Has the same dimension as the input image `ut`. p : NumPy 3darray Dual variable ("Chambolle-edge-set"). If `ut` is `N`-by-`N` then `p` is `2`-by-`N`-by-`N`, i.e. a tensor. References ---------- .. [1] A. Chambolle. An algorithm for total variation minimization and applications. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 20(1-2):89-97, 2004. """ # Sanity checks if type(ut).__name__ != "ndarray": raise TypeError("ut has to be a (square) NumPy ndarray!") else: if len(ut.shape) > 2: raise ValueError("ut has to be 2-dimensional!") N = ut.shape[0] try: M = ut.shape[1] except: raise ValueError("ut has to be square!") if N!=M: raise ValueError("ut has to be square!") if Dx != None: if type(Dx).__name__.rfind("matrix") == -1: raise TypeError("Dx has to be a SciPy/NumPy matrix!") else: NN = Dx.shape[0] if NN != Dx.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dx has to be a square matrix!") if NN != N**2: raise ValueError("Dx has to be of dimension %s**2 = %s"%(repr(N),repr(N**2))) if Dy != None: if type(Dy).__name__.rfind("matrix") == -1: raise TypeError("Dy has to be a SciPy/NumPy matrix!") else: NN = Dy.shape[0] if NN != Dy.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Dy has to be a square matrix!") if NN != N**2: raise ValueError("Dy has to be of dimension %s**2 = %s"%(repr(N),repr(N**2))) try: mu = float(mu) except: raise TypeError("mu has to be a non-negative scalar!") if mu < 0: raise ValueError("mu has to be non-negative!") try: dt = float(dt) except: raise TypeError("dt has to be a positive scalar!") if dt <= 0 or dt > 1: raise ValueError("dt has to be 0 < dt < 1!") try: itmax = int(itmax) except: raise TypeError("itmax has to be a positive scalar!") if itmax <= 0: raise ValueError("itmax has to be > 0!") try: tol = float(tol) except: raise TypeError("tol has to be a positive scalar!") if tol <= 0 or tol > 1: raise ValueError("tol has to be 0 < tol << 1!") # Now start to actually do something: get squared image dimension NN = N**2 # If code was called without operators generate them if Dx == None or Dy == None: Dx,Dy = fidop2d(N,'xy','f') # Convert the image to a vector ut = ut.flatten(1) # Initialize necessary variables ux = np.zeros((NN,)) uy = np.zeros((NN,)) gu = np.zeros((NN,)) dn = np.zeros((NN,)) dp = np.zeros((NN,)) du = np.zeros((NN,)) u = np.zeros((NN,)) p = np.zeros((2,N,N)) # Iteration parameters relerr = 2*tol res = 0 relres = 0 it = 0 ep1 = 1.0e-8 nt = np.linalg.norm(ut) # Start Chambolle Iteration while relerr > tol and it <= itmax: # Update iteration counter it += 1 # grad u ux = Dx*u uy = Dy*u # |grad u| gu = np.sqrt(ux**2 + uy**2) # p = (1 + dt grad u)p / (1 + dt |grad u|) dn = 1 + dt*gu p[0,:] = (p[0,:] + dt*ux.reshape(N,N,order="F"))/dn.reshape(N,N,order="F") p[1,:] = (p[1,:] + dt*uy.reshape(N,N,order="F"))/dn.reshape(N,N,order="F") # div p dp = -Dx.T*p[0,:].flatten(1) - Dy.T*p[1,:].flatten(1) # residual res = np.sum(np.abs(mu*(u - dp) - ut)) # u = ut + mu * div p du = u.copy() u = ut/mu + dp du = u - du # Relative error relerr = np.linalg.norm(u + ep1) relerr = np.linalg.norm(du)/relerr relres = res/nt # Print output to prompt print "it = %s, |du|/|u|= %s, |res|/|ut| = %s"%(repr(it),repr(relerr),repr(relres)) # Modify stopping criterion relerr = relres # Convert u back to matrix and compute Chambolle image u = u.reshape(N,N,order="F") u = u*mu return u, p